News list for " bitboy"

NBA stars Jimmy Butler and BitBoy agree to pay $340,000 to settle class action lawsuit related to Binance

Prominent YouTuber Ben Armstrong (BitBoy) and Miami Heat basketball player Jimmy Butler have agreed to settle charges they allegedly hyped unregistered securities after accepting payments from Binance to illegally promote the assets. Butler and Armstrong received commissions for promoting Binance and attracting new customers, the indictment said. Cryptocurrencies such as BNB and BUSD were securities, the indictment said. The two agreed to pay $340,000 as part of the settlement, which was still s...

2024-08-21 18:57:13
NBA球星Jimmy Butler和BitBoy同意支付34万美元和解与币安相关的集体诉讼

知名YouTuber Ben Armstrong(BitBoy)和迈阿密热火队篮球运动员Jimmy Butler同意就他们涉嫌炒作未注册证券的指控达成和解,此前,他们曾接受币安的付款,非法推广这些资产。 起诉书称,Butler和Armstrong推广币安并招揽新客户,并从中收取佣金。起诉书还称,BNB 和 BUSD 等加密货币属于证券。二人同意支付 34 万美元作为和解协议的一部分,但该协议仍需...

2024-08-21 18:57:13